F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity F80 Unitank 20-75 liters capacity

F80 Unitank

20-75 liters capacity

Product #: 7712786
1 599.00 EUR
6 in stock

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Our Unitanks are fermenters made for ambitious homebrewers and small breweries. As part of the Brewtools identity, we've explored new techniques and solutions. This has resulted in a series of high end fermentation tanks with new features and a lot of possibilities.

Key Features:
- Our PureBlast™ surface inside and out which eliminate the use of wax and polishing compounds and does not require passivation.
- Cooling jacket in the vertical walls offers efficient cooling without the hazzle of cleaning a spiral.
- Many options for connecting accessories like sensors, heaters, carb. stones and other accessories.
- Pressure rated for 2 bar / 30 PSI.
- 8" TC port on top for easy access.
- 2" TC dump and racking valves.

Our Unitanks are designed and manufactured with special attention to safety and quality.
They are tested and certified according to the requirements for PED 2014/68/EU by a third party.

- Low height w/o acc.: 110 cm
- Max height w/o acc.: 130 cm
- Packaging size: 113 (h) x 52 (w) x 52 (d) cm 
- Net weight: 44.8 Kg
- Gross weight: 50 Kg
- Tank diameter (inside): Ø40 cm
- Gross volume: 86 liter
- Max rec. volume: 80 liter
- Min rec. volume: 20 liter
- Volume, cone: 12 liter
- Material: 1.5mm stainless steel (SS304)
- Operating pressure: 1.0 bar / 15 PSI
- Max pressure: 2.0 bar / 30 PSI

In the box:
- Unitank with adjustable frame
- 1 pcs Analog pressure gauge, TC34mm
- 2 pcs Butterfly-valve, 2"
- 1 pcs Butterfly-valve, 34mm DN20
- 1 pcs Blow-off pipe
- 1 pcs Racking arm 2"
- 1 pcs TC elbow 90°, 2"
- 1 pcs Insulation jacket, black neoprene
- 1 pcs Sample valve, 34mm
- 1 pcs TC Adapter 8"-3"
- 1 pcs TC blind cap, 3"
- 1 pcs TC blind cap 2"
- 2 pcs TC blind cap 1.5"
- 3 pcs TC blind cap 34mm
- 2 pcs TC gasket 8" lipped
- 2 pcs TC gasket 3"
- 2 pcs TC gasket 2" 5-pack
- 1 pcs TC gasket 1.5" 5-pack
- 3 pcs TC gasket 34mm 5-pack (DN20)
- 1 pcs Tri Clamp 8"
- 1 pcs Tri Clamp 3"
- 5 pcs Tri Clamp 2"
- 2 pcs Tri Clamp 1.5"
- 10 pcs Tri Clamp 34mm
- 1 pcs TC tool
- 4 pcs M10 steel/rubber feet
- 1 pcs TC34mm safety valve (PRV, 2 bar)
- Necessary bolts and parts for assembly

Recommended accessories include: HopDrop-kit, Thermowells for your sensors, 34mm Ball-Lock gas adapter for CO2 filling, Carb. stone kit with Ball-Lock, Coil for sample valve, Spunding valve, Hose barbs for filling and dumping, 2" sight glass etc.

For more detailed information and user manual, please visit docs.brewtools.com

Note: Model in photo is a prototype. Minor changes and improvements may occcur.                     

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