Starter pack, 2-valve setup For B40pro/B80pro/B150pro

Starter pack, 2-valve setup

For B40pro/B80pro/B150pro

Product #: 7711009
549.00 EUR
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This is the recommended accessories to get you started using our pro systems.

The package includes our efficient counterflow cooler, an extra 3-way valve to make you able to choose if you return the cooled wort to the tank creating a whirlpool or pump directly to the fermenter. A third sensor gives you exact measurements of the wort returning from cooling. The necessary fittings and accessories are also included.

Included in the package:

- 1 pcs 3-way ball valve, TC34mm DN15
- 1 pcs Dip tube, short
- 1 pcs Counterflow Cooler, Pro
- 1 pcs O-ring, Viton, 18x14x2mm 5-pack
- 3 meter Silicone Tube 16x25mm, clear
- 2 pcs TC Gasket, 34mm, DN15, 5-pack
- 2 pcs TC34mm to 12mm hose barb
- 1 pcs TC34mm to 19mm hose barb, sensor holder
- 4 pcs TC34mm to 19mm hose barb
- 1 pcs Temp. Sensor, inline, M10
- 6 pcs Tri Clamp, 34mm
- 1 pcs TSP, 100g


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