Glycol Chillers
We currently offer 2 Brewtools-customized versions of Lindr glycol chillers for fermentation. Lindr is a leading European manufacturer of high quality chillers, with great performance and exceptional value.
The AS-80 is the perfect companion for smaller tanks with FCS and submersible pumps.
The AS-200 is designed for a single pump setup. See our cooling guide for help with setup.
While calculating cooling capacity is difficult, and very dependant on ambient temperature, tank insulation etc. we recommend setup as suggested below. If you mainly ferment lagers, you should reduce the amount of tanks per cooler. Remember it is always nice to have extra cooling capacity in case of future expansion.
F40 Unitank x4 (2 in cold crash)
F80 Unitank x4 (1-2 in cold crash)
F150 Unitank x2 (1 in cold crash)
F150 Unitank x6 (1-2 in cold crash)
F300 Unitank x3 (1-2 in cold crash)
We recommend 20-30% mixing ratio of glycol to water. (5 liter for AS-80 and 10 liters for AS-200)